Investment strategies for sustainable returns


Sustainability and predictability of income as well as the highest possible fungibility of the properties play an important role for us in the selection of potential investments. An individual investment strategy and a professional property and project review (due diligence) take into account the opportunities while at the same time weighting potential risks. As the owner’s representative, PAMERA offers comprehensive real estate asset management during the portfolio phase. We proactively manage real estate investments and all real estate-related service providers “through the eyes of the owner” and always consider their portfolio in the context of their overall assets. Our main objectives are sustainable value appreciation and ongoing yield optimization.

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Project development

The right location, a creative and sustainable project idea and “entrepreneurial” equity are essential for the success of a project development. PAMERA is an interesting joint venture partner for project developers, as we think very entrepreneurially and are able to support project developments to be realized in the medium term (period of 5 to 7 years) (e.g. conversion of existing buildings, acquisition of building rights, land banking). We offer our investors above-average returns and aligned interests, as we always co-invest significant amounts in project development. We monitor and control project progress very closely so that we are always prepared for any necessary changes.

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Mezzanine investments offer interesting returns in the overall asset context for a predictable period (1 to 3 years). High returns can also entail corresponding risks.This makes the selection of project developers and an understanding of their construction projects all the more important. For project developers, PAMERA is a reliable and fast partner that can provide mezzanine capital (and also pro rata equity) at short notice after a positive due diligence. We guarantee ongoing project controlling and reporting for our investors. We are also always co-invested in the projects in the mezzanine area, thus ensuring that interests are aligned.

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